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John 14

John 14 is a passage of scripture that has led many individuals to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ including one of my favorite apologist the famous Ravi Zacharious. Rarely does the first chapter of the book in the Bible catch your attention by the piercing your heart with comforting truth like John 14:1 does with “Do not let your heart be troubled. Trust in God. Trust in me also. Knowing the context of this passage is definitely important as John 14 occurs the night Jesus was betrayed and of course the night before his death. He is talking to his disciples as he is giving them final instructions before he goes to the Father. The following verses have Jesus explaining that he is preparing a room for them/us in heaven! When Thomas tells Jesus that “we don’t know where you’re going, how can we know the way?” Jesus tells him “I am the way, the truth and the life” in verse 6 which remains a well quoted passage of scripture. What I think is the most remarkable thing however is that Jesus later says “Because I live, you will also live”. The world is dying, draining and will drag us to our knees if we let it. Jesus is the answer as he will give us life which will cause him to live through us.


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