John 11

John 11 shows the great power of Jesus’s divine ability. In this chapter, Lazarus’s sister approaches Jesus telling her that her brother has been dead and in the tomb for 4 days. Jesus asked her to bring him to the tomb. There he wept which showed his humanity in the fullest sense. Jesus tells Martha ““I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26).  This passage is remarkable as Jesus then shows his “resurrection power” by raising Lazarus from the dead. This miracle however wasn’t just to “bring him back to life” but instead so the full power and glory of God could be on full display. This resurrection that Jesus had displayed was only one that pointed to the future one to come which would be his own resurrection! I love that this miracle shows the fullness of Christ being fully human (weeping at the tomb of a dead loved one) and fully God (raising death to life)! This chapter can help us appreciate the power of his resurrection if we let it touch our minds & hearts.  


  1. Reply
    Matt says:

    God is amazing! Thanks for keeping us going Troy and Trent! Proverbs 27:17

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